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VeloFest 2010

- a creative bicycle festival -


2010: Urban Cycling


“VeloFest” is a platform for bicycle promotion as a way of living: transport, recreation, inspiration for works of art or just an adventure and fun.

Call for Macedonian bicycle film

Have you made a film about bicycles?

Send it to us!!


All film workers, amateur and professional, are called to submit their films on the topic "Urban cycling".


The film should be:

- taken in Macedonia.

- with or about bicycles.

- taken in or around inhabited area.


The films can be animated.

The film should be sent on DVD.

There is no fee for submition of films.

There is no limitation to the number of films by one author.


Send your film to the VeloFest contact address, together with this form, dully filled.


The deadline for receiving the films is 19th March 2010.


Terms and Conditions of the Call for Macedonian Bicycle Photography.

VeloFest on Facebook
I <3 my Bike
Skopje, Berovo, Vinica, Bosilovo, Kocani, Veles, Strumica, Prilep, Bitola, Kicevo, Ohrid.