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VeloFest 2010

- a creative bicycle festival -


2010: Urban Cycling


“VeloFest” is a platform for bicycle promotion as a way of living: transport, recreation, inspiration for works of art or just an adventure and fun.

Competition for the most beautiful bicycle in Macedonia

VeloFest organizes a prize competition on the most beautiful urban bicycle in Macedonia.

All people - owners of bicycles are invited to participate with their bicycle.


Conditions for competing with your bicycle are:

- the bicycle must be in riding condition

- the bicycle should be used for riding in urban environment

- the bicycle must be located in the Republic of Macedonia


VeloFest on Facebook
I <3 my Bike
Skopje, Berovo, Vinica, Bosilovo, Kocani, Veles, Strumica, Prilep, Bitola, Kicevo, Ohrid.