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VeloFest 2010

- a creative bicycle festival -


2010: Urban Cycling


“VeloFest” is a platform for bicycle promotion as a way of living: transport, recreation, inspiration for works of art or just an adventure and fun.

Call for Macedonian Bicycle Film

1 Copyright and Permissions


1.1 By submitting films to the VeloFest Call for Macedonian Bicycle Film you accept all the terms and conditions presented here.


1.2 You confirm that you are the author of the entry, or you have the permission to provide all the requested uses of the film to the VeloFest organizer.


1.3 The VeloFest organizer does not take any responsibility for any claim made by any third party in relation to the submitted entry in respect of royalties, fees and any other monies owing to any person or entity.


2 Unacceptable Content


2.1 VeloFest organizer reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any entry:
- That contains personally identifiable visual information about You or any other person,
- That contains threatening, false, misleading, abusive, harassing, libelous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, scandalous, inflammatory, pornographic or profane content,
- That contains any material that could constitute or encourage conduct which would be considered a criminal offence, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any law.


3. Your Copyright and Moral Rights


VeloFest respects artists’ rights and does not claim copyright for films You submit to this call, You will retain full copyright in each entry.

In addition your moral rights are respected. Whenever Your film is screened by the VeloFest organizer and its partners You will be credited. Failure to publish a credit due to error or oversight shall not be deemed a breach of this condition.


4. Use of films and images


4.1 By entering this call You agree that any film You submit including all information and images related to it may be used by the VeloFest organizer solely for the purposes VeloFest, and that includes the following:
- Screening of the film by the VeloFest organizer and its partners during the festival at an unlimited number of times.
- Making a video montage of excerpts of several films selected in the Festival and broadcast it.
- Reproduce and broadcast clips of the selected films presented in the Festival on television channels and on Internet sites. These clips are limited to 10% of the total duration of any film and cannot exceed three minutes. They can only be used as part of news subjects covering the Festival, TV or Web programmes and interviews and/or promotional trailers or advertising for the Festival current or future editions.
- Use of still images from the film in any publication.
- Publish in catalogues and publications, as well as on the VeloFest web site, all the information, including photos, entered during submission.


4.2 You hereby grant the VeloFest organizer a non-exclusive, irrevocable licence in each Entry throughout the world in all media for the uses described in 4.1 above for one year following the date of announcement of the winners.


4.3 The author may donate the above non-exclusive license to the VeloFest organizer for an indefinite time, at his/hers own will.


5 Submissions, Judging, Releases & Closing Dates


5.1 The VeloFest Call for Macedonian Bicycle Film is open to all film makers, amateur or professional and for any type of film (fiction, animation, documentary, experimental).


5.2 Entries must arrive no later than Friday, 19th March 2010.


5.3 To enter, you must send your film via postal service at the provided address:
ul, 27 Mart br. 14
1000 Skopje


5.4 The shipping costs must be paid by the participant.


5.5 We can only accept entries on DVD, and material submitted is non-returnable.


5.6 There is no limit of number of films by one author.


5.7 Each film submission must be accompanied by this form, dully filled.


5.8 Each film must be accompanied by one still image of the film.


5.9 The participants are solely responsible for the information they enter in the submission.


5.10 Films must be taken in Macedonia.


5.11 This year’s topic is “Urban Cycling”.


5.12 If any dialogue on other language than Macedonian, the dialogue must be subtitled in Macedonian. The list/transcript of the dialogue must be included.


5.13 The films will be judged by a selection of juries, filmmakers and cyclists, between the 20th March 2010 and the 1st April 2010.


5.14 A shortlist of up to ten films will be selected and announced from 1st April 2010.


5.15 The winners will be announced on the award ceremony.

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I <3 my Bike
Skopje, Berovo, Vinica, Bosilovo, Kocani, Veles, Strumica, Prilep, Bitola, Kicevo, Ohrid.